Monday, May 18, 2020

Perspective Changes with Age - 607 Words

As a person ages, their perspective on life changes. A person eventually develops the ability to analyze, understand the importance of lack thereof of things, and not take offense at all the little things in life. Your perspective also changes through the dropping of preconceived ideas and by experiencing new situations. As you age, your ability to analyze a particular situation develops drastically. When you are young, you think that there is one plain cut, simple, black and white answer, but as you get older you realize there are many sides to almost everything. Eventually, people realize that there can be a â€Å"yes† and a â€Å"no† answer to questions and that more than one person can be right in an argument. As you get older, you begin to understand the importance or lack thereof of things. When you are an adolescent, you blow things way out of proportion. Kids act as though not being invited to the most recent birthday party is the most important thing. When you are older you realize that it is more important to be financially secure, have a home and be safe. You also realize that you dont need the latest model of the iPhone, or other technological device as long as the necessary items you have work. As you become an adult, you begin to understand that we do not need to take offense at all the small things in life. A person begins to understand that one person’s negative comment towards them is not all that detrimental to them on a large scale. If someone says that yourShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Age Stratification Theory Essay972 Words   |  4 Pages. So, when there is a dysfunction, the perspective proposes the correct these by the use of experts in planning and profess ionals. This theoretical perspective has many other theories which include, structural functionalism, modernization, disengagement, continuity, activity, life course, and age stratification. The functionalist perspective has some advantages. 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